Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today's The Day

That my bunny leaves me for 5 days. I almost cried when he left this morning at 5am. He's been working so hard lately so it worries me about him driving to Alabama. At least he has Bob in the truck with him and I made him promise to call me as soon as he got to the job site. He worked 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday to get ready for this week's trip. I practically threatened him with his life yesterday if he didn't come home and have dinner with his family. Not only did he make it for dinner but he also gave the boys their bath!

Despite Jason working all last weekend, the boys and I had a great time. We spent the majority of it with my parents. It was so nice having a couple extra sets of hands. They sort of take over with Ayden so I can handle super high maintenance Jameson. I swear that baby zaps all of my energy! We had an awesome photo shoot at Starr's Mill (even though Jameson slept through the entire thing). Ayden was so good and really enjoyed having all the attention focused on him for a change. I'll try to download my pictures tonight. My mom has some really awesome shots.

Here's another shot from St. George. This was right before Jameson fell asleep on the beach. When he's not being naughty, he's such a little lover!

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