Monday, November 3, 2008

A week in the life

of the Payne family has begun. I know I should've started yesterday but I woke up in a slightly irritable mood and it stayed with me for most of the day so I really didn't want to bring my camera everywhere we went. I started this project today instead. Let me tell how NOT easy it is to document my day with a camera. So many things are rushed and I have to remind myself to slow down and take a picture. I'm psyched about this project though and am excited to some day look back and remember what our life was like at this time. I sort of think this is something I may do annually...around the same time of the year.

So how was your weekend? Our's was pretty laid back. Saturday we stayed home all day. I never changed out of my pajamas. I cleaned, did laundry and took a 2 hour nap. We did family movie night after chowing down Chinese take out. Anyone see the movie Monster House? It was great! Jameson was totally freaked out but insisted on staying with us. We kept the boys up until 10pm in hopes that they would sleep in. I should've known better. Sunday we had to run a few errands. After a $200 trip to BJ's (darn wholesale clubs!) and a quick stop at Target, I think we're stocked up on a lot of necessities for the next couple of months. After lunch at Steak n Shake, we took the scenic route home to snoop at homes for sale. Jason and love to do this. Even though we don't plan on selling our house for another 2-3 years, it's still fun to look:) The boys took much needed nap and I would have done the same if our bedding hadn't been in the washing machine.

All in all, it was a low key weekend. Barely anything got crossed off the to-do list but I wasn't really bothered.

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