Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WITL Day#1

Alarm clock went off at 5am - I hit snooze twice...bad, bad, bad

Took shower and got dressed

Woke the boys up to get dressed

Got the boys stuff ready for the day - sippy cups, vitamins, cough medicine for Jameson and backpacks

Found out that in a matter of 10 minutes, they were able to trash their room before leaving for school

Out the door by 6:45am

Dropped boys off at school and left for work

It wasn't a very good traffic day so I was excited to finally see my exit

Settled into my office with a bottle of Diet Coke to get me motivated

Chick-fil-A Ice Dream with strawberries for lunch

Spent the afternoon working on SOP's in preparation for maternity leave - boring!

Left work at 4pm and headed to Royal Learners to pick up the boys

Got home and made dinner - Divine Casserole

Mimi joined us so the boys got some extra snuggles and attention.
Daddy decided we needed chocolate ice cream with sprinkles for cream twice in one day. Works for me!

After their bath, it was almost time for bed so the boys snuggled in for some down time.

Lights out at 7:30pm - mommy fell asleep too!

Click here for more Day#1 photos!!

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