Friday, November 28, 2008

The Waiting Game

I can't believe it's been a week since my last post but things have been busy around here. Besides going out to see Twilight last weekend, I stayed home to clean, clean, clean. Jason built the valances for Ava's room and my grandmother's painting got hung above the crib. There are still a few more accessories that I'd like to get, but at least everything is about 90% done for her arrival.

On Monday, I had an ultrasound and an OB appointment. The ultrasound went great. Ava gained another pound so her estimated weight was now 6 1/2lbs. She should be around 7lbs by now...especially after the way I ate yesterday! The rest of my day was spent finishing up projects at work.

Tuesday morning Jameson had his second session with the behavioral therapist. Ms Monique pointed out again that Jameson really doesn't qualify for the Babies Can't Wait Program and said our case would probably be closed out in 3-4 months. It makes me feel good that Jameson's behavior isn't that bad but I'm still grateful that they're helping us make better decisions with him. Now that we've got the knowledge, Jason and I have to work on using the skills we've been given and stay consistent. It's actually much more difficult than I thought, but we're already starting to see a change in Jameson so it keeps us motivated.

Wednesday was just a normal day at the office...NOT! I came in armed with a list that I had made throughout the night of all the things that still needed to get done. I worked in a sort of frenzied state all day. Typically, the Chamber employees get sent home early the day before a holiday but I already knew I'd put in a full day to get everything done. The thought that it could be me last day before having a baby had me panicked. I think I've mentioned before that I really like my job and am sort of "protective" of it. I wanted everything to be in order before someone else has to come in and fill my shoes. As predicted, I worked until 4:15 and then headed home to pick up the boys.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving day! I was sooooo excited about the meal that my mom was preparing. All of my favorites were on the menu and some new things as well. Jason and I spent the morning getting a few things done around the house while the boys played outside. After 2 weeks of cooler weather, yesterday's high was around 65 degrees so they were in heaven! After lunch and naps, we packed up a laundry basket of necessities for the boys and headed over to Mimi & Bumpa's house. After Ayden and Jameson played bubbles and drove their new Polaris Razor it was finally time for dinner. My plate was full and I indulged in a glass of wine. After dinner, we sat outside by the fireplace and watched the boys play with some glow necklaces that Bumpa pulled out. After a helping of my Double Chocolate Cheesecake, Jason and I got the boys in their PJ's. We had our fingers crossed that Jameson would be okay sleeping at Mimi & Bumpa's. He's only 2 1/2 and has never spent a night away from us. With Jameson settled in Mimi's room watching Scooby Doo and Ayden tucked away in the den watching Transformers with Bumpa, Jason and I made our escape. Since we didn't get a phone call to pick Jameson up, I'm assuming all went well.

Today is Friday. It's supposed to be the day we have Ava. I got up promptly at 5am and sucked down a tablespoon of castor oil. Despite the bottle promising the goo inside to be be odorless and tasteless, it still tasted like crap. It took all my effort to not throw the stuff back up! I'm taking a quick few minutes to blog and then I'll shower and finish packing my bag. I'd also like to finish cleaning up the kitchen, get a few more loads of laundry done and take another trip around the house with the vacuum. Hopefully by 10am we'll be making our way to the hospital. If all goes according to plan, I'll be back home some time tomorrow with a another baby to love and cherish.

I sure hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving! We'll keep you posted on "Operation Get Baby The Heck Out of Mommy"!


Anonymous said...

Best of Luck to you today! I guess by the time baby #3 comes along shouldn't it be easier, i.e. pregnancy, labor, and those first 4 weeks?

Deb said...

Hey, Jamie...glad to see my daughter left you a post...she's been following your blog for a while now.
Take it easy. you are in our thoughts. Baby action coming soon!

Roxanne Schwandt said...

YIPEEEE!!! Can't wait to see pics of my new little great niece! I'm sure she is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!

Chere said...

Good luck to you and baby Ava. You and Jason have such beautiful babies. I am sure that little Ava will top them all. Can't wait to see pictures.